
Friday, June 10, 2011

ぼんばは みなさん~~
Good evening everyone~~

My placement tests are finished. They were really hard. I think I did sort-of well. I think class is going to be difficult. But that's okay. I can focus on Japanese.

たくさん人に会いました。おもしろくてやさしですよ。I have met a lot of people. They are interesting and nice.

I need to work on more advanced sentences but right now I'm way too tired. Bedtime~ おやすみ!

Sunday, June 5, 2011



Ready to fly away! ^^ 

火曜日に日本に行きます!日本で私のブログを書きます。 「Adventures of Kate」ですよ!

Tuesday I leave for Japan. I’ll be using this blog to keep everyone updated about my time there.